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Snakes of Nikonimor, Part III – Gates of Gold

11,00  9,35 

The third part offantasy trilogy by Sanja Lovrenčić, written in the genre of alternate history, inspired by the Illyrian proper names and names of places.

In the final part of the saga about the flute player Tisya and palace-builder Arne all the individual stories started in the first two books come to an end. The ancient world is going through a sort of cataclysm, and the main characters finally get together after a long separation. They start a final quest for the “gates of gold”, because only those who get through it would be no longer in the power of time…

Zmije Nikonimora – Zlatna vrata

11,00  9,35 

Treći dio fantastične trilogije “Zmije Nikonimora“, napisane u žanru alternativne povijesti, inspirirane ilirskim imenima i toponimima, koja je izazvala zanimanje ljubitelja žanra fantasyja, i ne samo njih.

U završnom dijelu velike pripovijesti o sviračici Tisyi i graditelju Arneu dovršavaju se sve pojedinačne priče započete u prvim dvjema knjigama, svijet prolazi kroz svojevrsnu kataklizmu, a glavni likovi, ponovno zajedno nakon duge razdvojenosti, traže put kroz „zlatna vrata“ jer samo oni koji kroz njih uspiju proći više nisu u vlasti vremena…

The Snakes of Nikonimor, Part II – The Way to the Sea

11,00  9,35 

In the second part of the trilogy by Sanja Lovrenčić the separated lovers Tisya and Arne travel and go through various ordeals.

Tisya is consciously trying to reach the sea, the White Town, the only place from where the ships still sail to the North. But her journey is long, leading her through the wilderness of the Dividing Chain, where she sees, for the first time, Those-Who-Yell-Together. With the help of the salt trader Margan she arrives in the Stone Cells, where she has some strange experiences and then travels on, further down the Yalma coast, where fires of danger are already burning…

At the same time Arne is with the remnants of the northern army of King Gurna, struggling through dangerous underground paths, where the mirror-people Vodjani lurk with their mirages; he does not know that at the end of this road another shore awaits him…

Zmije Nikonimora – Put do mora

11,00  9,35 

U drugom dijelu trilogije „Zmije Nikonimora : Put do mora” razdvojeni ljubavnici, sviračica Tisya i graditelj Arne, putuju, prolazeći kroz razne kušnje. U susretu s različitim ljudima i drugim bićima otkrivaju ponešto o svijetu i o sebi.

Tisya svjesno ide prema moru, prema Bijelome Gradu iz kojega jedino još polaze brodovi ka sjeveru. No put od Utočišta do Grada je dug, vodi je divljim krajevima Razdjelnog Vijenca s kojega će prvi put vidjeti one-koji-viču-zajedno. U pratnji trgovca solju Margana stići će do Kamenih Izbi i krenuti dalje, obalom Yalme, gdje se već pale vatre za uzbunu…

Arne se za to vrijeme zajedno s ostacima vojske sjevernjačkog kralja Gurne probija opasnim putovima podzemlja, gdje vrebaju zrcalni vodjani sa svojim opsjenama, i ne zna da na kraju puta i njega čeka još jedna obala.

The Snakes of Nikonimor, Part I – The Palace and the Garden

11,00  9,35 

The fantastical world of the mountains of Nikonimor, the southern shores of Yalma and Svardija, the Empire of Quadrifolium, the northern parts of Letinen with its great river and mystical rites is revealed through the story of the lovers, Arne the palace-builder, and Tisya, the flute player. In the first part of the Nikonimor trilogy, Tisya and Arne, trapped by cold, separated by a wasteland and wilderness and the slowly approaching cataclysm of the known world, attempt to see each other through the waters of a mysterious lake, and try to remember everything that preceded the hard winter. But the world around them, especially that on the northern borders, is not still…

Zmije Nikonimora – Palača i vrt

11,00  9,35 

Fantastični svijet planinskog Nikonimora, južnih obala Yalme i Svardije, carstva Četverolista, sjeverne zemlje Letinen, njene velike rijeke i mističnih običaja, otkriva se u svem svom izobilju kroz živote graditelja Arnea (Agrona) i sviračice Tisye.

U prvom dijelu trilogije “Zmije Nikonimora” Tisya i Arne, zaustavljeni hladnoćom, odvojeni prostorom i polaganom kataklizmom poznatoga svijeta, pokušavaju nazrijeti jedno drugo kroz vode čarobnog jezera i sjećaju se svega što je prethodilo toj teškoj zimi. No svijet oko njih, naročito onaj na sjevernim granicama, ni zimi ne miruje…

Knjigom “Palača i Vrt” autorica uvodi čitatelja u izmišljenu prošlost čiji će mu se prostori i običaji na mahove možda učiniti poznatima…