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Joseph Conrad as I Knew Him


In these biographic fragments  Jessie Conrad sketches the picture of her husband Joseph, one of the greatest writers of English twentieth century literature: nervous, a bit weird, attached to his family in  his own way, but first of all, obsessed with his work. At the same time, the reader catches a glimpse of Jessie herself, the almost ideal writer’s wife of old times: typing his texts, cooking, economizing, welcoming guests, raising the children, coping with reality in every possible way  instead of Joseph. But the act of writing puts her beyond the role of mother, wife and housewife: taking the courage to write down this intimate testimony, she creates a place for herself in Conrad’s verbal space and becomes a writer in her own right.

Moj život s Josephom Conradom


Jednostavne i neposredne rečenice Jessie Conrad dozivaju pred čitatelja lik njenog supruga, jednog od najvećih pisaca engleske književnosti 20. stoljeća: nervozan, pomalo čudak, na svoj način privržen obitelji, iznad svega zaokupljen književnim radom. No istodobno vidimo i nju, gotovo idealnu piščevu ženu iz starih vremena. Ona pretipkava tekstove, kuha i štedi, dočekuje goste, podiže djecu, na sve moguće načine izlazi na kraj sa stvarnošću umjesto Josepha Conrada. Iz uloge supruge, domaćice i majke izdiže je, međutim, sam čin pisanja. Odvaživši se da zabilježi ovo intimno svjedočanstvo, ona stvara sebi mjesto u (Conradovom) prostoru riječi te se i sama pretvara u autoricu.