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15,00  12,75 

Slikovnica “Jabukan” donosi fantastičnu priču o četvero prijatelja koji za vrijeme ljetnih praznika, unatoč zabranama, prijeđu potok pokraj sela u kojem žive. S druge strane, međutim, ne otkrivaju ni “trolove, ni babaroge, ni kljovače ni zmajeva gnijezda”; ondje susreću bića koja su gotovo ista kao ljudi, ali žive u šumskim krošnjama. Jedan od tih „krošnjaša“, Jabukan, sprijateljit će se s četvoro djece te će im kroz igru otkrivati tajne šume. U ovu okvirnu priču autorica teksta Lana Momirski uplela je čitav niz motiva: neki od prijatelja nakon završetka školskih praznika preselit će se u veći grad, a središnja junakinja morat će se naučiti nositi s rastankom; djeca će uz Jabukana naučiti poštovati prirodu i sve njene stanovnike; šumski svijet postat će svojevrsno utočište, ali i prostor iz kojega se jasnije može sagledati probleme stvarnosti i osobne egzistencije. Priču prate nježni akvareli što su ih zajedno realizirale Ivana Koren Madžarac i Lana Momirski i tako dočarale mladom čitatelju svu živost, toplinu i raznolikost ovog tajanstvenog šumskog svijeta.


Book #2786


15,00  12,75 

The picture book “Quince” tells a fantastic story about four friends who, during the summer holidays, cross the stream near the village where they live, although it’s forbidden. On the other side, however, they find neither “trolls, nor bogeymen, nor tusk-owners, nor dragon’s nests”; they encounter creatures that are almost the same as humans but live in forest dwellings. One of them, the boy Quince (with the word for apple in his name), will make friends with the four children and will reveal to them the secrets of the forests. The author of the text, Lana Momirski, intertwined a number of motives in this framework story: some of the friends will move to a bigger city after the school holidays, and the central heroine will have to learn to deal with parting; playing with Quince, children will learn to respect nature and all its creatures; the forest world will become a kind of refuge, but also a space from which the problems of reality and personal existence can be seen more clearly. Subtle watercolors, by Ivana Koren Madžarac and Lana Momirski, evoke to the young reader all the liveliness, warmth and diversity of this mysterious forest world.


Book #3342