Format: 13×20
ISBN: 978-953-7760-59-5
Pages: 260
Binding: paperback
Published: 2015.
The Snakes of Nikonimor, Part II – The Way to the Sea
In the second part of the trilogy by Sanja Lovrenčić the separated lovers Tisya and Arne travel and go through various ordeals.
Tisya is consciously trying to reach the sea, the White Town, the only place from where the ships still sail to the North. But her journey is long, leading her through the wilderness of the Dividing Chain, where she sees, for the first time, Those-Who-Yell-Together. With the help of the salt trader Margan she arrives in the Stone Cells, where she has some strange experiences and then travels on, further down the Yalma coast, where fires of danger are already burning…
At the same time Arne is with the remnants of the northern army of King Gurna, struggling through dangerous underground paths, where the mirror-people Vodjani lurk with their mirages; he does not know that at the end of this road another shore awaits him…