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Lukrecia Ana Lovrić rođena je 1. 4. 1991. u Beču. Nakon završene osnovne i srednje škole u Zagrebu 2009. upisuje Filozofski fakultet na kojem je 2016. godine diplomirala talijanski jezik i književnost te fonetiku. Za vrijeme studija višekratno se usavršavala u Italiji: 2010. godine kao stipendistica Talijanskog instituta za kulturu pohađala je školu Dante Alighieri u Firenci, 2011. godine stručno se usavršavala na školi za talijanski jezik i kulturu La Città Ideale u Matelici, a 2015. godine bila je na studijskom boravku na prestižnom Università degli Studi di Padova. Na svim ovim institucijama uz kolegije iz talijanskog jezika i kulture pohađa i radionice književnog prevođenja te stječe temeljne teorijske i praktične kompetencije unutar ovog područja. Suradnju s Malim zvonima započinje radeći na redakturi prijevoda romana Calluna Vulgaris suvremenog talijanskog književnika Alessandra Iovinellija. 2018. godine Mala su zvona objavila njen prvi autorski prijevod, Tri priče iz Priče nad pričama Giambattista Basilea. 2019. godine izlazi njezin prijevod autobiografije jednog od najvećih suvremenih filozofa, Giorgia Agambena, Autoportret u radnoj sobi. 2020. godine prevodi slikovnicu nagrađivanog talijanskog tandema Masini – De Conno Sretan put. Urednica je i nekoliko novijih izdanja Malih zvona.


Three Tales from The Tale of Tales


Mala zvona is proud to present the first Croatian translation of a selection of stories from Giambattista Basile’s famousTale of Tales (Lo cunto de li cunti or Il Pentamerone)

Basile’s collection, written in the 17th century in Neapolitan dialect, served as an inspiration to numerous fairy tale writers over the centuries; Basile’s motifs can be traced through many famous collections, such as those written by Perrault or the brothers Grimm.

In these grotesque stories – which are by no means intended for children – Basile teaches the reader about virtue, vice, deception and love while using a flamboyant Baroque rhetoric. Our selection includes the following stories: The Enchanted DoeThe Flea and The Old Woman Who Was Skinned who were also used as a pretext for Matteo Garrone’s multiple award-winning movie Il racconto dei racconti.


Self-Portrait in the Study


Self-Portrait in the Study, the recently published autobiography of one of the leading contemporary continental philosophers Giorgio Agamben offers the reader a wide set of interesting motives. Throughout the book, the author recalls all the intellectual encounters which had a decisive influence on his thought, creating, in this way, a magnificent portrait of the late 20th century philosophical and literary scene: following Agamben from encounter to encounter, the reader meets Martin Heidegger, Guy Debord, Giorgio Manganelli, Elsa Morante, Ingeborg Bachmann, Gershom Scholem… The descriptions of these meetings and friendships are interlaced with authentic philosophical meditations on painting, language, poetry, history and inheritance, and, in the final analysis, with glimpses of that “universal science of man” about which Agamben dreamt together with Italo Calvino and Claudio Rugafiori. Agamben’s autobiography thus offers a lyrical synthesis of the three elements whose endless perturbations characterize the whole of the philosopher’s oeuvre: literature, philosophical discourse and a private life that must remain hidden forever.


Book #2912

Safe Journey


Beatrice Masini and Gianni De Conno, the award-winning Italian tandem, communicate in this picture book the artistic and emotional experience of travelling. The combination of magnificent oneiric images and the poetic prose takes us on a journey into the unknown: sometimes the destination is known, and sometimes the trip is just aimless wandering; sometimes we encounter obstacles and surprises, sometimes “treasures we don’t know yet of.” Every journey is a unique experience; and the insights we gain, the feelings we go through, and the memories we create are its precious consequences. Attractive illustrations and suggestive short sentences stimulate imagination and their dreamy quality has won numerous readers; in 2018 Beatrice Masini and Gianni De Conno received the most prestigious prize in the field of children’s literature “SuperPremio Andersen”. For the great Gianni De Conno, this picture book marked the end of a life’s journey; it is the last and farewell gift he left us before his untimely death.


Book #3340