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igorj rajki

Love, Lovest, Loverest


There are three love stories in this book – three stories about love that is unattainable because of the very nature of those who fall in love. But that doesn’t make these feelings less powerful. The buoy and the anchor are waiting for a storm that will bring them together, even though buoys are made for floating and anchors for anchoring. The sun is trying to shine less intensely so it could love the snow longer, while the snow enjoys basking in the sunshine, even though it melts in love. And the sea and the sky are the greatest of all, eternal lovers, always mirroring each other, coming together and moving apart…

The stories that Igor Rajki tells in this picture book – actually, he “mumbles them as he walks” – are original, peculiarly humorous, and full of linguistic invention, with a number of made-up words, collected in the end in a little author’s dictionary. The illustrator Nikolina Žabčić responds to the playfulness of the text with equal artistic freedom.


Book #4905

Ljubavna, ljubavnija, najljubavnija


Tri priče u ovoj gradaciji govore o ljubavima koje su neočekivane i neostvarive zbog same prirode zaljubljenika, ali nisu zato manje snažne. Plutača i sidro čekaju oluju ne bi li se sreli iako su plutače na ovom svijetu zato da bi plutale, a sidra zato da bi sidrala; sunce se trudi smanjiti svoj žar kako bi dulje moglo voljeti snijeg, dok je snijegu sve ljepše na suncu premda se topi od ljubavi.

Priče koje Igor Rajki pripovijeda u ovoj slikovnici – zapravo, mrmlja sebi u bradu hodajući – odlikuju se originalnošću, osebujnim smislom za humor i jezičnom invencijom koja posebno dolazi do izražaja u pratećem malom rječniku neobičnih riječi. Ilustratorica Nikolina Žabčić na slobodnu invenciju teksta odgovara likovnom slobodom u odabiru motiva, postupaka i perspektiva, a na njegovu zaigranu blagost delikatnošću poteza i boja.


Book #4467