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Self-Portrait in the Study

15,00  12,75 

Self-Portrait in the Study, the recently published autobiography of one of the leading contemporary continental philosophers Giorgio Agamben offers the reader a wide set of interesting motives. Throughout the book, the author recalls all the intellectual encounters which had a decisive influence on his thought, creating, in this way, a magnificent portrait of the late 20th century philosophical and literary scene: following Agamben from encounter to encounter, the reader meets Martin Heidegger, Guy Debord, Giorgio Manganelli, Elsa Morante, Ingeborg Bachmann, Gershom Scholem… The descriptions of these meetings and friendships are interlaced with authentic philosophical meditations on painting, language, poetry, history and inheritance, and, in the final analysis, with glimpses of that “universal science of man” about which Agamben dreamt together with Italo Calvino and Claudio Rugafiori. Agamben’s autobiography thus offers a lyrical synthesis of the three elements whose endless perturbations characterize the whole of the philosopher’s oeuvre: literature, philosophical discourse and a private life that must remain hidden forever.


Book #2912

Autoportret u radnoj sobi

15,00  12,75 

Autoportret u radnoj sobi, autobiografija Giorgia Agambena, jednog od najvećih suvremenih europskih filozofa, čitatelju donosi čitav niz izazovnih motiva. Agamben opisuje susrete koji su ga presudno oblikovali kao autora te time stvara veličanstven portret intelektualne kulture druge polovice 20. stoljeća. Čitatelj, zajedno s autorom, sreće Martina Heideggera, Guyja Deborda, Giorgia Manganellija, Elsu Morante, Ingeborg Bachmann, Gershoma Scholema…Kroz te susrete prosijavaju autentične filozofske meditacije o slikarstvu, jeziku, poeziji, povijesti i nasljeđu, a u konačnici se pojavljuju i tragovi one opće znanosti o čovjeku čije je konture Agamben pokušavao ocrtati zajedno s Italom Calvinom i Claudiom Rugafiorijem. Agambenova autobiografija pisana je izrazito profinjenim stilom te predstavlja konačnu sintezu elemenata čijim je igrama ovaj veliki filozof posvetio čitav opus: književnosti, filozofskog diskursa i privatnog života koji zauvijek ostaje skriven.


Book #2912