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The Crocodiles (and Know-It-All Bird)

Pika Vonična, one of Little Bells’ most productive picture book authors, is working on a series of picture books about animals since 2012. The four stories assembled in Crocodiles proved as particularly appealing to young readers: the endearing Jaroslav who shies water because he cannot swim, Strahimir who makes paper birds and looses them when the wind blows, Florian who is, unlike other crocodiles, never green, but changes colours from blue to white and red, provoke interest and compassion in the young reader. But in these stories everything ends well, and illustrations offer a lot to look at, even when the story is over.

Age: 4-7

Pika Vončina Sanja Lovrenčić , , ,

Format: 21×21
ISBN: 978-953-7760-79-3
Pages: 36
Binding: hardcover
Published: 2017.


Actually, this is a picture book about me, the Know-it-all Bird. Yes, I know all about everything and everyone. I’m faster than the wind, I can swim, I can dive, I make wishes come true and I’m a great storyteller. I was on the Moon and in some other picture books. All in all, I am wonderful.
And now, a little something about crocodiles! This is what you should know about them:
1. Birds and crocodiles are friends.
2. For everyone else, they can be dangerous.
3. They grow their entire lives; therefore they can be very, very long.
4. They live in rivers and swamps.
5. There are different types of crocodiles: crocodiles in Africa, alligators on Florida, gahrials in India, caimans in South America.
6. But you can learn the most important secrets about crocodiles only from this picture book.