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Paintings, a collection of prose poems, brings Segalen’s descriptions of imaginary Chinese visual art: thereby a dialogue is opened not only between different cultures, but also between different artistic media. The reader wanders around these foreign, strange places, sometimes lost, sometimes amazed but is always lead forwards by Segalen’s virtuoso writing.

Mala zvona brings the first integral Croatian translation of this poetic masterpiece.

Senka Sedmak, Stephane Michel Adrian Pelc Ivana Čukelj & Korina Zbukvić , , ,

Format: 11,5×20
ISBN: 978-953-7760-80-9
Pages: 156
Binding: hardcover
Published: 2017.


Victor Segalen (1878-1919) is no doubt, alongside Paul Valery, one of the most interesting early 20th century French poets. His profession – Segalen was a naval doctor – took him on several voyages to China where he developed a fascination for far-eastern cultures which can be seen throughout his poetical oeuvre. When this fascination intertwined with high modernist traits, Segalen’s personal style was forged.